Monday, June 21, 2010

Future Perfect

Wish List Prompts

Activity 5 - Unit 12 - What do you wish for?

  • Write a wish list for each of the three categories indicated in the pictures.

  • Each list should contain 4 items.

  • Check the Wish List Phrases for useful ideas to use, and use the future perfect.

  • Post your wish list here by Thursday, July 15.

  • Value points 2/10

Past Participle Verbs

Activity 4 - Unit 11 - What would you have done?

Read Derek’s story and answer the questions below…

Derek was buying a newspaper in a small store when a man entered the store with a gun. He told the clerk to give him all the store’s money. Derek ran up behind the man and hit his arm, knocking the gun out of his hand, the gun fired, but fortunately, no one was injured. The thief ran out through the door and escaped.

1. What did Derek do? In your opinion should he have done this?
2. What could have happened?
3. What would you have done if you had been there?

Check the Past Modals Slide and review the past participle’s verb list.
Value points: 2/10
Post your advice here by Friday, July 9.

Past Modals

Do's & Don'ts

Monday, May 17, 2010

Activity 3 - Unit 9 - Social Customs

When you deal with people from other cultures, it is helpful if you have learned something about the customs and attitudes of those cultures. For example, attitudes about men’s and women’s roles vary greatly from one culture to another.
Imagine some foreign visitors are coming to our city for vacation. The have asked for some advice to help them avoid embarrassing situations.

Think about the answer to three of these questions, and write some advice to prepare your visitors for a range of social situations. Please elaborate a little and explain why. (Check the Do’s & Don’ts lists for useful phrases to use.)


1. Is it OK to use cell phones in all public places?

2. Do you have to leave a tip in cafes and restaurants even if the service is poor?

3. Is it acceptable for women and teenagers to drink alcohol?

4. How do people react to smoking in public places?

5. Is it OK to use a person’s first name if you have just met them?

6. Would your hosts expect a gift if you were invited to dinner?

7. Which subjects are taboo in general conversation?

8. Is it very important to be punctual?

Post your advice here by Friday, July 2.
Value points: 2/10

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We will be covering the second half of the book.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Under construction...

Hi Students:

Please register in the Followers section on the right bar, so that you know when I upload important info and activities for our course English 10.

See you in class!!